Marriage 101 Enrollment

Marriage 101: A Positive Alternative to Marriage Counseling

Risk Free Acceptance Form

We are more than ready to significantly reduce the tension in our relationship and get a new sense of understanding that will lead us to better communication.

We agree to the following...

  1. We understand that Marriage 101 will not make either of us look like the "bad guy" because it is a totally positive, one-of-a-kind solution that helps men look good and women feel wanted.
  2. We understand Marriage 101 is a one time, private, 2-hour phone call between us and our Marriage Translator for a one-time investment of $247.00.
  3. We understand Marriage 101 is COMPLETELY covered by your 100% Money-Back Guarantee. After our Marriage 101 phone call, if we don’t believe we learned anything new about each other, we can receive a refund of our full purchase price within 5 business days of the phone call.
register now

About Larry Bilotta

Larry Bilotta is the Common Sense Marriage Expert, Married over 40 years in the age of divorce. For over 15 years, he has taught couples how to reduce tension, find peace at home and feel fulfilled as a couple again. Read more.